The Sacred Sister Project
School-Based Programs for Girls
Hello, my beautiful tribe, I'm off on another amazing #Lifechanger experience. We are heading into our Sacred Australian Outback. I am already feeling the depth of connection we will all gain from such a grounding and sacred place. Why? I hear you ask, well I have teamed up with another foundation that is aligned directly with supporting our wonderful teens and youth of Australia, about Lifechanger, this is an incredible Foundation that is going to change the lives of our teens, from such beautiful empowering workshops to a unique online platform that will be easily accessible for all in need. I would love your support. Like most foundations it is the support from you that makes these become the most successful they can be. 100% of your donation goes straight back into the Lifechanger foundation. Please dig deep, this small act of kindness will change the lives of many teens in years to come. Thank you and all my love always Jo xx